
Drink More Water in Summer – My Favorite Water Cup

There’s nothing more refreshing than a glass of cold water to quench your thirst, right?

Daily water consumption is extremely important.

However, on hotter days, especially in summer, this care must and needs to be redoubled.

Much more than a simple liquid to quench our thirst, water represents a kind of fuel for our body as well as for its proper functioning.

Although there are several fruits on the market that can and should be consumed fresh or even in the form of juice. Or for those people who want the famous industrialized ready-to-eat juices. None of them can replace the consumption of water during our day.

However, I understand that in the day-to-day chain most of the time we forget to drink water. And when we get to the end of the day we get that feeling of guilt.

Portable Water Bottle

A great option for those who are forgetful and use the famous water bottle, currently on the market there are a multitude of bottles. Such as are thermal, thus keeping their water cold.

Or even those that have a meter on their body that checks how much water was consumed during the day.

The fact is that our body often shows warning signs that something is not right. And sometimes it is possible to solve this problem by drinking water.

Issues such as dizziness, headache, and isolation are some examples of common symptoms that can be fought through the ingestion of the same. Thus avoiding the indiscriminate use of some medicines that in the long term can be harmful to health.


Another issue to be asked is that sometimes for some people “just drinking water” is something considered boring. And thinking of a way to get around this situation as well as taking advantage of the summer. It’s a good option to give that “lively” in your water by flavoring it.

Adding in it, slices or zest of lemon or orange, strawberry, or mint, can make your water much tastier and more attractive so that it can be consumed throughout the day without any difficulty.

In addition to being used during everyday life, this flavoring can be used during parties or family gatherings, which is a good option to keep your guests hydrated.

Glass Tumbler

We cannot forget also the main public that needs a lot of care and attention with regard to water consumption, especially in summer, which are children and the elderly.

It is extremely important that on the hottest days, extra care is taken with these groups, since the elderly population tends to have difficulties through physical and mental wear and tear due to age, and in certain clinical cases there may be forgetfulness, causing dehydration.

Stainless Steel Water Bottle Thermos

Children, on account of their age group, the younger ones because they need extra attention in relation to their care as they are dependent, the older ones because they are interested in other foods or have a slightly more selective taste.

Finally, it is extremely important that we are hydrating our bodies, as well as being oriented to all the important aspects of drinking water.

Enomi Wessman

Hi, Enomi from Los Angeles is here! I'd love to share my thoughts about fashion here! Contact me anytime if you want cooperation!

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